
Day 7: Final Project

My name is Tayla St. Pierre and I just finished my second year of teaching. I teach at a public charter school in Providence, Rhode Island. My school is comprised of students from a variety of backgrounds. Similar to other schools in Providence, my school has many students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Many students also speak a primary language other than English. My school's population is not representative of the dominant culture in society. For the past two years, I have been a first grade-reading specialist. My favorite part of teaching reading is my ability to share my love of reading . As I teach, I try to embrace William Butler Yeats’ quote “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of fire.” As an educator, I aim to ignite a love for reading in my students. I constantly ask myself, “What will make students love to read?” When students leave my classroom, I would want them to feel inspired by reading and books. Although I think readi...

Day 6: Final Project Link

Here it is!

Day 5: I believe

I believe: ·       Learning is a life long process. ·       Everyone is both a teacher and a learner . ·       Learning is collaborative . ·       It is essential that teachers foster collaboration, creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking. ·       The most learning takes place in a safe and comfortable environment where students feel love and supported. ·       Mistakes are inevitable and are a product of learning. ·       Everyone is capable of learning. ·       Learning needs to be authentic and purposeful.    For my final project, I am planning to implement an online technology resource to help me create and manage a classroom library because I am switching grade levels next year. In creating this project, I thought of ...

Day 4: Creating to Defy Gender Stereotypes

Clothing For All  Problem: Kids clothing defends gender stereotyping. Here is a link to clothing stores that are starting to create this possibility in real clothing lines.

Day 4: Creating A Space for Conversation

As a student in the TESL masters program at RIC, I am constantly reading research that shows the benefit of conversation to students learning an additional language. Conversations allow students to practice and play with the language and learn from the mistakes. In addition, conversations between proficient speakers of a language provide a model of a language for language learners. However, I believe that Turkle and Wesch would argue that all students would benefit from a classroom that explicitly teaches conversation skills and incorporates conversations into instruction. At almost every family gathering, I hear my grandmother, Noni, state, “Doesn’t anyone know how to talk to each other anymore? You only talk with these plastic things! (referring to our i-phones). Although it’s true that we can be found sending a quick text to a friend during gatherings, we do mainly have our phones out at gatherings to show pictures or tell stories to relatives. When we are conversing we...